- About Appleseed Montessori
Just like Johnny Appleseed – who chose to build little apple nurseries instead of large orchards, so goes the thinking and approach behind Appleseed Montessori when it comes to the caring and nurturing of young minds. We have smaller class sizes to increase teacher to student ratios. We establish an individual education plan for your child to foster academic achievement, strengthen self-esteem and appreciation for other cultures and social diversity.

- What We Do
We recognize that each child is unique and we provide an individual oriented approach to education but also respect and celebrate the diversity of all the children in the class. We are dedicated to providing every child an experience of joy, serenity and inner development. We believe in smaller class sizes for more interpersonal relationships between teacher and student. We want to provide individualized attention that fosters your child’s success. We also recognize that your child’s first experience in school will dictate his or her attitude towards future education, so we feel it is equally important for your child to have the best possible experience, instilling a lifelong positive mental attitude towards school and learning.